copyright © Loraine Wauer

2. What you put on your gifts so you know who the gift is for.
4. ____ the Snowman (name of a song)
8. Where does Santa live?
9. What month do we celebrate Christmas?
10. ____ Bells (name of a song)
12. Who has a long beard and wears a red suit?
14. What children like to get for Christmas.
15. What Santa rides in.

1. What do you give each other at Christmas?
3. What a Christmas house is made of.
5. Something you put on your Christmas tree.
6. If you are bad, what does Santa put in your stocking?
7. What is the name of the reindeer with a nose that glows?
10. Whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas?
11. You put these on your Christmas tree to make it glow.
13. What do you decorate with ornaments for Christmas?

Copyright 1998 Loraine Wauer-Ferus
You may Print a copy for personal non-profit use.